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Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

Tamara Rezk is member of the editorial board of Interstices and Blog Binaire Le Monde

Articles and contents

Tamara Rezk published the article "Est-ce que mon programme est bien protégé ?" in blog binaire Le Monde in February 2018. The article with some minor modifications was retaken by Interstices and published in December 2018.

Nataliia Bielova was interviewed by Sophie Casals, "Comment mieux protéger sa vie privée en naviguant sur internet? Les conseils d'une spécialiste" in Nice Matin, June 2018.


Skini and the Fabrique à Musique

Skini is currently used with a class of secondary school in order to create a musical show in collaboration with the Conservatory of Nice and the CIRM (National Center for Music Creation). A group of 25 children, 12 year old, are creating together a story, and use the distributed sequencer of Skini to design basic musical patterns using tablets. The next step is to organize with them the orchestration of the piece which is coded in HipHop. The activation of the piece will be done in real time by the children using the tablet and the Skini plateform. This project is funded by SACEM (Société des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique). The project will end in May 2019 with a public concert in the Conservatory of Nice.

MOOC Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique

Nataliia Bielova has participated to the MOOC “Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique” (Session 2) that was shooted in July 2018 under the guidance of Inria Learning Lab and was open to general public between 5 November 2018 and 7 January 2019,


Internal action